Monday, November 5, 2007

Video Blogging For Profit

People are already making a profit from their blogs, and video blogs (aka vlogs) are in line to be the new way of making money online. Blogging has been adopted by the business sector as well for its ability to inform, update and engage customers and clients. As video blogging becomes more mainstream and Internet video popularity grows, so will the demand for video blogging services. As of right now, there are two directions you can go to generate profits with video blogging.

Video Blogging Services
It takes a lot more time to create and edit video for a video blog. That’s bad news for a time-crunched business owner, but good news for net-savvy videographers. Ideas for how companies could utilize a video blog are similar to how they could benefit from implementing streaming video on their website. A politician could effectively use a video blog during a campaign, or small businesses could use a video blog to educate customers and generate interest. The sky is the limit! Your challenge is to present that need to prospective clients.

Launch Your Own Video Blog
The other direction to take in video blogging for profit is to launch your own. A vlog would be particularly useful to a videographer marketing his/her services. You could also launch a video blog covering a certain issue or topic, or take a more creative approach to telling a story. Again, the sky is the limit. Revenue would be created with text ads on the blog itself (ie: Google Adwords) or as your vlog becomes more popular, you could sell ad space in the video clips themselves. Charging a subscription fee is another option, although not one that works well on the web in most cases.

Video blogs such as Rocketboom and have already gained a large following on the web. They are positioned to reap the commercial benefits of the medium by selling ad space. As video blogging evolves and gains mainstream acceptance, it will become the next Internet entrepreneurial frontier.

Davy Russell is a filmmaker and blogger who shoots and writes about short film and videos on the web. To learn more about how you can make money from shooting video, visit

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Anonymous said...

I agree.
Internet video is going to be a big winner for businesses And Bloggers
Here's some examples of what they can do for a website


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